Non-Traditional Measures
Promote studies, debate, development, and capacity building at the national and international levels in relation to the application of international law and international humanitarian law regarding the use of information and communications technologies in the context of international security by promoting voluntary exchanges of positions and national vision statements, opinions, legislation, policies, and practices on the subject, in order to promote common understandings.

Activity Description

Un Coronel de Fuerza Aérea Piloto Aviador Diplomado de Estado Mayor Aéreo y un Mayor de Fuerza Aérea Meteorólogo Diplomado de Estado Mayor Aéreo, participaron en el Comité XLV del Sistema de Cooperación entre las Fuerzas Aéreas Americanas (SICOFAA), cuyo objetivo fue revisar y actualizar el Plan Estratégico 2012-2027 (PLANESTRA) y el Plan Director 2022-2027.

Guatemala, Guatemala
Date of the Event:
September 18 - 22, 2023

1 activities published